Artikel Jurnal
The Role of Emotional Creativity and Self-Disclosure inPost-traumatic Growth Among Healthcare Workers After theCOVID-19 Pandemic
Previous studies have shown that healthcare workers experienced Post-TraumaticGrowth (PTG) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Various factors, such as social support, copingstrategies, and deliberate rumination, were also reported to positively influence healthcare workersPTG. This study examined the role of emotional creativity and self-disclosure in the PTG ofhealthcare workers handling COVID-19 patients. The study involved 186 healthcare workersrecruited through convenience sampling. The Post-Traumatic Growth Inventory - Expanded(PTGI-X), Revised Self-Disclosure Scale (RSDS), and Emotional Creativity Inventory (ECI) wereused to collect data in this study. Based on multiple regression analyses, the model consisting ofemotional creativity and self-disclosure was able to predict PTG (F= 15.54;p< 0.001). Partially,the results indicated that emotional creativity significantly predicted PTG (β= 0.337; 95%CI=0.198 - 0.477), whereas self-disclosure did not (β= 0.112; 95%CI= -0.027 - 0.251). Additionalanalyses showed that healthcare professionals with more than 20 years of working experience hadsignificantly higher PTG than those with 11 - 20 years of working experience. This study impliesthat flexibility in expressing emotions is a more preferred and impactful psychological resource inhelping healthcare workers face similar traumatic events in the future
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