Artikel Jurnal
Vitamin A on Tumor Necrosis FactorAlpha Expression and Otorrhea Score in Benign Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media
Background: Benign Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM) is a middle ear inflammation characterized by otorrhea with perforation
in the central tympanic membrane. Topical ofloxacin as a standard therapy in this type of CSOM has limitations in reducing otorrhea
score. Vitamin A supplementation could be given simultaneously with topical ofloxacin because of its property as a regulator of the local
immune response in the middle ear. Objectives: This study aimed to analyse the effect of vitamin A supplementation on Tumor Necrosis
Factorα (TNFα) and otorrhea score in benign CSOM patients. Materials and Methods: The preexperimental method with posttest
only control group approach was held from January to March 2020 at Rembang Regional Hospital, Central Java, Indonesia. The subjects
of the study were benign CSOM patients aged 1860 years who did not consume antibiotics or steroids for two weeks prior to the study.
Subjects of the study were divided into two groups. The standard (control) group was given topical ofloxacin as standard therapy while
the intervention group was given topical ofloxacin in combination with Vitamin A supplementation. The subjects consisted of 21 subjects
in the standard group and 10 subjects in the intervention group. Results: The percentage of TNFα expression in intervention group was
64.20 ± 36.18, while the percentage in the standard group was 91.10 ± 11.3. The result of the independent ttest showed that there was a
significant difference between the two groups (P = 0.016; 95% CI = 9.4144.37). There was a significant difference in the otorrhea score
between the two groups (P = 0.003). Conclusion: There was a significant difference in TNFα expression and the otorrhea score between the standard and the intervention group.
Keywords: Otorrhea score, topical ofloxacin, Tumor Necrosis Factorα expression, Vitamin A
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