Artikel Jurnal
Pengaruh Penggunaan Sevofluran dan Isofluran terhadap Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction pada Pasien yang Menjalani Operasi Laparotomi Salpingo Ooforektomi
Background: Post-operative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) is a decrease in post-operative cognitive abilities that related to patient's health, length of treatment, morbidity, mortality, delay in healing, and decreased quality of life. POCD can occur in 15-25% of patients with surgery, especially in surgery that use general anesthesia. POCD can be diagnosed using a mild cognitive dysfunction screening instrument, including MOCA-INA test which has high specificity and sensitivity. Inhalational anesthetic agents are often cited as one of the triggering factors for POCD because of their role in increasing Aβ aggregation and their ability to prevent cholinergic transmission. Theoretically, isoflurane is superior to sevoflurane because it has neuroprotective properties.Objective: To determine the different effect of sevoflurane and isoflurane on the incidence of POCD in patients undergoing salphingo-oophorectome laparotomy.Methods: Twentypatients underwent salphingo-oophorectomylaparotomywere included in a randomized clinical trial study. Patients were divided into two groups, groups with sevoflurane (group 1) and isoflurane (group 2) for maintenance of anesthesia. The two groups were interviewed using the MOCA-INA questionnaire one day before and three days after surgery to assess their cognitive level. The occurrence of POCD is marked as a decrease in MOCA-INA value of at least 20% from the initial value.Results: There are no subjects that experienced POCD, and there are no significant changes in cognitive value between this two groups.Conclusion: There is no different effect of sevoflurane and isoflurane to the incidence of POCD significantly, in patients undergoing salpingo-oophorectomy laparotomy.Keywords:inhalation agent; isoflurane;MOCA-INA; POCD;sevoflurane
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