Artikel Jurnal
Correlation Between Frequency of Tension Type Headache (TTH) With Cognitive Function in People With Epilepsy
Background :Epilepsy is a chronic disease that increases the risk of interictal headaches, one of which is tension type headache. Tension type headachein epilepsy is triggered by recurrent neurogenic inflammation and central sensitization leading to pericranial tendernessaffecting on thecognitive function. The frequency of tension type headachein epilepsy is thought to be related to the cognitive function.Objective : To determine the correlationbetween the category of TTH frequency, onset of epilepsy, seizure frequency, age and education with MoCA-Ina score.Methods : An analytic observational study with a cross sectional design among forty one epilepsy patientswho suffering tension type headache at Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria from April to September 2021. The patients’sdata was obtained by filling out a questionnaireform. The assessment of the category of tension type headachefrequency used ICHD-3 beta 2013 criteria.Assessment of cognitive function used the MoCA-Ina score. Data was analyze with Spearman correlation testthen will be tested for partial correlation by controlling the onset of epilepsy and seizure frequency with the significance level p=0.05.Results: Forty one epilepsy patients consist of 14 infrequent episodic TTH, 14 frequent episodic TTH and 13 chronic TTH. There was significantcorrelationbetween the MoCA-Ina score and the TTH frequency category (rho=0.362; p=0.02), and education level (rho=0.493; p=0.001). Conclusion :There wasa significantcorrelationbetween the TTH frequency in epilepsy with cognitive function.Keywords : epilepsy, tension type headache (TTH)
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