Artikel Jurnal
Osteopenia in Male and Female Patients Using Carbamazepin and Valproic Acid Combination Therapy: Analysis of Prevalence and Its Relationship with Epilepsy Characteristics
Background: Epilepsy is a chronic condition withunprovoked seizures. One of the changes affected by anti-epileptic drugs is a decrease in bone density. Gender and sex hormones have implications onbone density.Objective: To determine the prevalence difference osteopenia between male and female, and relationship with clinical characteristicsepilepsy patients taking a combination of carbamazepine and valproic acid.Methods: Across-sectional study with 22 epileptic patients with age range of 18-60 years taking combination of carbamazepine and valproic acid at the Neurology DepartmentDr. Kariadi Semarang during June to October 2021 who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Patient data wereobtained by filling out a questionnaire. The assessment of osteopeniawas carried out by examination of Bone Mineral Densitometry. Data analysis was usingChi Square test and Spearman correlation test. The resultwas determined to be significantif the p value
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