Background: Post-operative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) is a decrease in post-operative cognitive abilities that related to patient's health, length of treatment, morbidity, mortality, delay in healing, and decreased quality of life. POCD can occur in 15-25% of patients with surgery, especially in surgery that use general anesthesia. POCD can be diagnosed using a mild co…
Abstract Background: Surgery and anesthesia are associated with increased patient anxiety. Perioperative anxiety is a common problem in regional anesthesia procedures and has an extensive impact. Immersive virtual reality (IVR) is a potential non-pharmacological distraction method to reduce anxiety. Immersive virtual reality creates a virtual environment that allows patients to interact and …
Video perkuliahan dan pemberian materi tentang cara monitoring saat pasien tersedasi, dan berbagai macam komplikasi dari sedasi.
Buku Ajar dengan judul Buku Ajar BASIC USG (USG Guided Peripheral Nerve Block) berisi tentang penjelasan tatacara pemanfaatan USG pada teknik pembiusan Blok beserta kelebihan dan kekurangannya.
Buku Ajar dengan judul Buku Ajar Anestesi Regional yang berisi penjelasan jenis anestesi regional, keuntungan, kerugian, dan, komplikasi dari anestesi regional.
Video perkuliahan dan pemberian materi tentang pro dan kontra anestesi tanpa opioid dengan anestesi dengan opioid dosis rendah.