Latar belakang:Epilepsi refrakter merupakan epilepsi yang tidak membaik dengan pemberian obat anti epilepsi yang adekuat. Epilepsi refrakter terjadi pada 30-40% pasien dengan epilepsi. Bedah epilepsi merupakan salah satu tatalaksana dalam epilepsi refrakter, dan penggunaan elektrokortikografi dapat membantu menentukan daerah yang dioperasi. Penggunaan obat-obatan anestesi m…
Backgrounds: Vitamin D regulates muscle function by binding to vitamin D receptors (VDR) via genomic signaling pathways. The biologically active form of vitamin D (1,25- (OH)D) affects muscles by modulation of gene transcription and protein kinase signaling pathways that support proliferation and muscle growth. Aging will result in the interaction of vitamin D and VDR, affecting the regulat…
Background:Sepsis is a systemic disorder as a result of the interaction between the immune system and infectious agents. In some cases, sepsis can progress to septic shock and death. In patients with sepsis with ongoing bacterial contamination, resuscitation may not be successful until control of the source of infection is established. Case:A 47-year-old malewith septic …
Background: Post-operative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) is a decrease in post-operative cognitive abilities that related to patient's health, length of treatment, morbidity, mortality, delay in healing, and decreased quality of life. POCD can occur in 15-25% of patients with surgery, especially in surgery that use general anesthesia. POCD can be diagnosed using a mild co…
Peach gum (PG) contains a large number of polysaccharides and has hypolipidemic and anti-diabetic properties. Peach gum, specifically, may increase short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which modulate lipid, glucose, and insulin sensitivity and thus improve metabolic syndrome components (MetS). However, the mechanism remains unclear. This study aimed to reveal the effects of a whole PG intervent…
Background:Breakthrough pain (BTP) is a transient increase in pain that occurs on a background of stable pain. It contributes substantially to the suffering experienced by most cancer patients. The pharmacologic options for management of BTP have been expanded considerably in the past decade. Opioids remain the most effective pharmaceuticals used for th…
Background:Breakthrough pain (BTP) is a transient increase in pain that occurs on a background of stable pain. It contributes substantially to the suffering experienced by most cancer patients. The pharmacologic options for management of BTP have been expanded considerably in the past decade. Opioids remain the most effective pharmaceuticals used for th…
Background: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disease. Histopathological diagnosis has been the gold standard for diagnosing and determining the severity of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). However, this method is invasive, especially for diagnosing NASH in children. This research aimed to study the effect of probiotics on the De Ritis ratio, TGF…
Background : Problems of vitamin D deficiency is now starting to become a concern in the world because 1 million people worldwide have vitamin D deficiency and nearly 50% have vitamin D insufficiency. Vitamin D deficiency is more common in neonates and influenced by maternal status which can increase the risk of low birth weight. The aims of this study was to determine the correlation betwe…
Latar belakang : Kemajuan penting telah dicapai dalam upaya menurunkan risiko kejadian kardiovaskular mayor pasien sindroma koroner akut dengan elevasi segmen ST (SKA–ST elevasi) melalui tatalaksana intervensi koroner perkutan (IKP) primer dan perawatan intensif. Walau begitu, kapasitas ruang yang terbatas serta biaya yang tinggi menjadi masalah tersendiri sehingga diperlukan stratifikasi…