Background : Oral mucositis is an injury of normal mucosal tissue with an acute inflammation of the oral, tongue, and pharyngeal mucosa after exposure to chemoradiotherapy. Post chemoradiotherapy oral mucositis is commonly accompanied by painful swallowing or odynophagia. Povidone iodine 1% is an antiseptic mouthwash that widely used to prevent infections in the oral cavity. The aim of this …
Introduction: Streptomycin and kanamycin are aminoglycosides that are toxic to the cochlea vestibular system, can causing hearing loss. This antibiotic is used for the treatment of tuberculosis and its ototoxicity occurs in 20% of tuberculosis patients. Spirulina is a cyanobacterial species that is used as a dietary supplement and contains phycocyanin compounds that function as antioxidants a…
Background : In chronic rhinosinusitis patients, there is a subgroup of patients with persistent symptoms after treatment, who often shows bone thickening and remodeling in their paranasal sinuses and described as osteitis. Osteitis can be evaluated by several methods, one of which is the Global Osteitis Score (GOS). This study was aimed to analyse the correlation between preoperative ostei…
Background: Osteoarthritis is a long-term, chronic disease that is usually marked by cartilage degeneration in the joints, which in turn induces bone friction. One of the subtype of this disease is facet joint osteoarthritis or in short, FJOA. In Indonesia, FJOA has not been commonly documented. The most common method for FJOA inspection is X-Ray modality. The usage of other radiology imagin…
Scaling up SARS‑CoV‑2 testing and tracing continues to be plagued with the limitation of the sample collection method, which requires trained healthcare workers to perform and causes discomfort to the patients. In response, we assessed the performance and user preference of gargle specimens for qRT‑PCR‑based detection of SARS‑CoV‑2 in Indonesia. Inpatients who had recently been …
Kegawatdaruratan maternal dan neonatal merupakan suatu kondisi yang dapat mengancam jiwa, hal ini dapat terjadi pada ibu selama periode kehamilan, persalinan, masa nifas dan pada bayi baru lahir. Kegawatan tersebut harus segera ditangani, karena jika terlambat dalam menangani akan menyebabkan morbiditas dan mortalitas pada ibu dan bayi baru lahir. Kejadian Kematian Ibu yang selanjutnya dinya…
Latar belakang : Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) memiliki hubungan dua arah dengan stroke iskemik. SDB yang tidak diobati dapat menyebabkan stroke berulang. Penanganan SDB adalah kunci untuk preventif pada pasien stroke. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis IMT, lingkar leher besar, deviasi septum, hipertrofi konka, hipertrofi tonsila palatina, makroglosia, dan obstruksi saluran naf…
Latar belakang : Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) memiliki hubungan dua arah dengan sindrom metabolik seperti Diabetes Mellitus (DM) dan hipertensi, komponen sindrom metabolik meningkatkan risiko terjadinya SDB. IMT >30 kg/m2, aktivitas fisik, lingkar leher >40 cm dan hipertensi berisiko tinggi terhadap kejadian SDB. SDB telah terbukti meningkatkan risiko dan keparahan DM, sehingga penangan…
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a major public health problem in Indonesia. It ranks among the top four cancers with high mortality rates. CRC screening is expected to improve early diagnosis that can reduce mortality and morbidity rate. Primary health care-based CRC screening in Indonesia has not yet been performed. This study was conducted to obtain information about prevalence, adenoma detectio…
Abstrak. Benign parokxysmal position vertigo (BPPV) merupakan gangguan vestibular perifer yang paling sering ditemui, sekitar 30%, dikarakteristikkan dengan serangan vertigo yang disebabkan oleh perubahan posisi kepala. BPPV terjadi ketika otolith yang terdiri dari kalsium karbonat yang berasal dari makula pada utrikulus yang lepas dan bergerak dalam lumen dari salah satu kanal semisirkular. …